Displaying items by tag: pregnancy weeks

Monday, 15 January 2018 11:16

The Pregnancy - Week 34

Your baby is safe as the baby born any time after this week will be able to survive well. The ultrasound shows the baby in the head down position and is approximately 2.2 kgs in weight and 19 inches long. Baby also has deposition of fat under its skin,  this will help the baby to keep the temperature normal. The doctor will show you baby taking hiccups.

Published in English Blogs
Monday, 15 January 2018 11:13

The Pregnancy - Week 33

So this is the beginning of the 9th month. The doctor checks your weight. You have gained almost 10 kgs from your pre-pregnancy weight. This is good. You may see an increase in weight by another 2 to 2.5 kgs in the next few weeks. Pregnant women may increase in weight by 450 grams and the baby also may gain weight especially in the last few weeks of pregnancy.

Published in English Blogs
Monday, 15 January 2018 11:04

The Pregnancy - Week 31

You are very hungry and feel like having something yummy and sour. Make sure that your food contains lots of vegetables as the next few weeks of pregnancy is very important and the weight of the baby and the mother tends to increase. Till now you have gained almost 9.5 kgs and this weight includes the weight of the baby, placenta fat, uterus and amniotic fluid.

Published in English Blogs
Monday, 15 January 2018 11:01

The Pregnancy - Week 30

You might feel little depressed in this week, which is the 30th week of your pregnancy. This is pretty normal for some pregnant women. You may get little concerned about your growing weight. You may also feel very tired. Light walking in the morning, along with yoga can help in relieving this tiredness. You should take breaks while walking.

Published in English Blogs
Monday, 15 January 2018 10:16

The Pregnancy - Week 23

This is Your 23rd week. Till now the baby looks very shrivelled as the baby still has not got much fat in its skin and the skin seems transparent, and we can see the blood vessels through the skin. But as time passes, more and more fat gets deposited under the skin and the baby gains weight and by birth is nice and chubby. baby is 11 inches long and 500 grams in weight by the end of this week.

Published in English Blogs
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