Displaying items by tag: baby

Anjali was just getting over her excitement of announcing her first pregnancy to her friends and relatives. It was already her 2nd month. She was feeling good and happy. But, one thing which was bothering her was, the increased urination. She had to take frequent trips to the bathroom. She got concerned and approached her doctor to find out if this should be a cause for concern.

Published in English Blogs

रेखा आज जब क्लीनिक में आयी मुझे बहुत परेशान लग रही थी। मैंने उससे पूछा कि वह इतनी परेशान क्यों लग रही थी। उसका 5 महीने का बच्चा उसके हाथों में था और मुस्कुरा रहा था। बच्चा बहुत सक्रिय था और जैसे ही उसने अपने बच्चे को परीक्षा की मेज पर रखा, बच्चा पलटा और मेरे कंगन को देखकर मुस्कुरा रहा था।

Published in Hindi Blogs
Tuesday, 02 April 2019 05:57

Baby weight and height during the first year

Veena came to my office very tensed. I asked her why she seemed so tensed. Her 5 month old baby was in her hands and was smiling. The baby was very active and as soon as she put her baby on the examination table the baby turned around and was smiling looking at my bracelet.

Published in English Baby Blogs
Friday, 07 December 2018 05:47

Placenta Previa

Chitra was in the 4th month of her pregnancy. Everything seemed to be going normal with her pregnancy until now. Today morning she noticed bright red bleeding. She was panicking. She called her mom and her husband and took an appointment with her doctor. She rushed to her Doctor the first thing. Her doctor was also a little concerned.

Published in English Blogs
Thursday, 30 August 2018 06:13

Smoking during pregnancy

Smoking is harmful to the women and her baby. When a woman smokes cigarettes during pregnancy, her fetus is exposed to many harmful chemicals. Nicotine is only one of many toxic chemicals that can pass from a pregnant woman to her fetus. One of the effects of nicotine is the narrowing of the blood vessels.

Published in English Blogs

While parents are always eager to introduce new tastes and foods to their infant it is better to avoid certain foods until your baby is one year old. 

Published in English Baby Blogs
Friday, 03 August 2018 10:19

How to conceive a baby?

I always get many questions from viewers asking about ways to make sure the baby is of a particular gender. Some parents are inquisitive to know if eating certain foods can guarantee a particular gender, while some want to know if a particular herbal medicine or timing of sex helps in having a  boy or a girl. So let us find out about some myths and some facts. 

Published in English Baby Blogs
Friday, 03 August 2018 09:42

Is formula milk good for babies?

Breast milk is the best for your baby - There is no bigger truth than this. Even if you can only breastfeed for a short while, your baby will still benefit. But the longer you breastfeed, the longer your baby is protected. Breast milk is the best choice nutritionally for the baby.

Published in English Baby Blogs
Friday, 03 August 2018 07:28

When should I start my baby on cow’s milk?

Most parents are keen to transition to cow’s milk from formula milk to their baby. Reasons could be

Published in English Baby Blogs
Wednesday, 02 May 2018 06:31

Burping your baby

Priya noticed that her newborn would spit up a lot after every feed. She also observed that her weeks old baby would not feed for more than 5 minutes and would get uncomfortable. She was worried if the baby was getting enough of her milk.

Published in English Baby Blogs
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