Displaying items by tag: delivery

रानी जुड़वां बच्चों से गर्भवती थी। वह डॉक्टर के साथ अपनी नियमित नियुक्तियों से गुजर रही हैं। डॉक्टर रानी की गर्भावस्था की प्रगति से बहुत खुश थे। आज वह अपनी 8 महीने की नियुक्ति के लिए आई थी। जैसे-जैसे डिलीवरी की तारीख नजदीक आ रही थी, रानी थोड़ा चिंतित हो रही थी। उसने अपने दोस्तों से सुना था कि जुड़वा बच्चों के साथ गर्भवती होने का मतलब है स्वचालित रूप से सी-सेक्शन डिलीवरी। इसलिए वह अपने डॉक्टर से सामान्य योनि प्रसव के अवसर के बारे में पूछती है।

Published in Hindi Blogs

Oxytocin plays a crucial role in emotional bonding - whether it is between romantic partners, parents, and children, or even owners and their pets. The hormone called the "love hormone" is naturally released into our body when we make love or make new friends. But apart from its role in social bonding and reproduction, oxytocin also helps mothers give birth. During labor Oxytocin stimulates powerful contractions,  helping the cervix to dilate and open up in preparation for delivery. This is why it is often used as a drug to aid birth.

Published in English Blogs
Tuesday, 20 February 2018 10:17

Inducing Labor for delivery

When a pregnant lady shows no signs of labor beyond 41 or 42 weeks of pregnancy, labor may be induced. Labour is also sometimes induced earlier if the mother has any conditions which may become increasingly complicated with increasing the time of pregnancy like Gestational diabetes or Twin pregnancy.

Published in English Blogs
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Thursday, 18 January 2018 04:47

Why is cesarean section done?

Babies can be born naturally by vaginal birth or in some cases where the natural birth is not possible for reasons relating to the risk associated with the life of the mother or baby, the doctor may have to resort to Cesarean section. Once a rarely performed procedure, only for obstetric emergencies, C-section today is performed more commonly. In India the recent data from the National Family Health Survey 2014-15 (NFHS-4)

Published in English Blogs

After a few weeks of false contractions or Braxton-hicks contractions which are called practice contractions, it may be time for the true labor. So how does a true contraction feel like? The uterus is a muscular organ and it contracts and relaxes. This is nature’s way of pushing the baby out of the birth canal. Uterus would have expanded into a huge muscle by 9 months, so when this begins to contract,

Published in Childbirth
Friday, 12 January 2018 05:30

Working through pregnancy

Times have changed and there are many women in the workforce now than before. Women want to preserve their maternity leave for after delivery and try to come to work till they deliver. While it is good to be active and keep your mind occupied, You may be trying to squeeze in every last second to get work done before the baby is born. If work is not too stressful and you have a handle on it than great!

Published in English Blogs
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