Displaying items by tag: labour

Monday, 14 May 2018 06:47

Sex during pregnancy - Is it safe?

Pregnant women constantly fear what is right and what is wrong during pregnancy? Will travelling cause problems during pregnancy? Will eating this food cause any problems to the baby? And one of the hundreds of concerns that pregnant women have is also to do with sex. Will having sex during pregnancy harm the baby?

Published in English Blogs

शिशुओं को योनि जन्म से स्वाभाविक रूप से पैदा किया जा सकता है या कुछ मामलों में जहां मां या बच्चे के जीवन से जुड़े जोखिम से संबंधित कारणों के लिए प्राकृतिक जन्म संभव नहीं है, डॉक्टर को सीजेरियन सेक्शन का सहारा लेना पड़ सकता है। एक ज़माने में केवल प्रसूति आपात स्थिति के लिए की जाने वाले सी-सेक्शन आज अधिक सामान्य रूप से किया जाता है।

Published in Hindi Blogs

37 सप्ताह से पहले होने वाली एक प्रसव को अपरिपक्व प्रसव कहा जाता है। अपरिपक्व प्रसव नवजात शिशु और बच्चे के पहले 28 दिनों के जीवन में मृत्यु का प्रमुख कारण है। 28 दिनों के बाद भी कुछ बच्चों के स्वास्थ्य समस्याएं हो सकती हैं।

Published in Hindi Blogs
Friday, 12 January 2018 05:30

Working through pregnancy

Times have changed and there are many women in the workforce now than before. Women want to preserve their maternity leave for after delivery and try to come to work till they deliver. While it is good to be active and keep your mind occupied, You may be trying to squeeze in every last second to get work done before the baby is born. If work is not too stressful and you have a handle on it than great!

Published in English Blogs
Friday, 05 January 2018 07:02

Preterm labour

A delivery that occurs before 37 weeks is termed preterm labor. Preterm delivery is the leading cause of death in neonates and also in the baby’s first 28 days of life. Some babies may have health issues even after the 28 days.

Published in Childbirth
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