Displaying items by tag: premature labor

Meena had gone to the Doctor for her 36th week Check up. Upon doing an ultrasound the Doctor told her that her Amniotic fluid index ( AFI) is on the lower normal - Borderline. An AFI between 8-18 is considered normal. Meena’s was 8. She got a little concerned about the health of her baby.

Published in English Blogs

37 सप्ताह से पहले होने वाली एक प्रसव को अपरिपक्व प्रसव कहा जाता है। अपरिपक्व प्रसव नवजात शिशु और बच्चे के पहले 28 दिनों के जीवन में मृत्यु का प्रमुख कारण है। 28 दिनों के बाद भी कुछ बच्चों के स्वास्थ्य समस्याएं हो सकती हैं।

Published in Hindi Blogs

When a baby is born before 37 weeks of gestation, it is considered premature birth. 

Mothers in their early 30s have the lowest chance of having a premature baby, new research has found, with the risk rising significantly once the mother passes 40.

Records of more than 165,000 pregnant women were analyzed,

Published in Pregnancy News

Oxytocin plays a crucial role in emotional bonding - whether it is between romantic partners, parents, and children, or even owners and their pets. The hormone called the "love hormone" is naturally released into our body when we make love or make new friends. But apart from its role in social bonding and reproduction, oxytocin also helps mothers give birth. During labor Oxytocin stimulates powerful contractions,  helping the cervix to dilate and open up in preparation for delivery. This is why it is often used as a drug to aid birth.

Published in English Blogs
Tuesday, 23 January 2018 06:01

Cord around the neck

1 out of 3 babies is born with the cord around the neck. For most babies, it does not matter at all if there is a chord around the neck. Most of the time the chord is long.  The average umbilical cord length is around 50-60 centimeters long, and baby is able to handle the stress of labor fairly well as long as labor goes about in its own phase.

Published in English Blogs
Monday, 22 January 2018 08:59

What is Polyhydramnios ( Excess amniotic fluid)?

Mild to moderate polyhydramnios can be harmless and pregnancy may go on with out any complications but, severe polyhydramnios where the fluid is more than 3 times normal like around 3 liters or so can lead to complications and premature labor. Polyhydramnios is usually seen later in pregnancy

Published in English Blogs
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