Displaying items by tag: postpartum

Thursday, 07 November 2019 16:30

The math and science of weight loss - part 1

It is Friday evening. I am looking forward to dancing — no, not a social event, but the Zumba dance class I religiously go to twice a week. Most of my classmates are women in their thirties and forties, making an effort to bring in some rhythm and zing into their life. Some of them recently delivered a baby, and were eager to lose some pregnancy related fat.

Published in English Blogs

मेगना अपने पहले पोस्टपार्टम चेकअप के लिए आई थी। गर्भनिरोधक के बारे में उसे डॉक्टर से पूचने के लिए कुछ सवाल थे। वह दोबारा कब गर्भवती हो सकती है? दो शिशुओं के बीच अंतर अवधि क्या होना है?

Published in Hindi Blogs
Wednesday, 23 January 2019 08:16

How long to wait for the second pregnancy?

Megana had come for her first postpartum checkup. She had some questions to the doctor about contraception. when can she get pregnant again? How soon is too soon? What is the ideal gap period between two babies?

Published in English Blogs
Tuesday, 15 January 2019 09:44

Diet after C-section

Pregnancy puts a lot of physical and emotional strain on the mother. Postpartum is a time of healing, recuperating and bonding with the baby. Sarala had to go through C-section as an emergency measure, as her baby was in breech position and labour was not progressing as expected. The surgery was uneventful and so was the recovery. She was back home and was a little concerned about her diet and was concerned if she had to watch her diet.

Published in English Blogs
Wednesday, 22 August 2018 06:54

नवजात शिशु की नींद

समय आ गया है और आपका बच्चा आ गया है, खुशी का आपका बंडल अब आपके हाथों में है और एक मां के रूप में, आप खुशी, उत्तेजना और कभी-कभी चिंता की मिश्रित भावनाओं से गुजर सकते हैं। आप और आपके बच्चे प्रसव पीड़ा और डिलीवरी की घटनाओं से थक सकते हैं। यह काफी सामान्य है। आगंतुकों को कम से कम पहले दिन दूर रखना और अपने बच्चे की जरूरतों पर ध्यान केंद्रित करना एक अच्छा विचार है।

Published in Hindi Baby Blogs

मातृत्व स्वच्छता पैड अतिरिक्त लंबे होते हैं और प्रसव के बाद भारी रक्तस्राव का बर्दाश्त कर सकते हैं। चाहे आपका सामान्य डिलीवरी हुआ हो या सी-सेक्शन, डिलीवरी के बाद कुछ दिनों में रक्तस्राव की उचित मात्रा होने की उम्मीद है। आपको हर 2 से 3 घंटे पैड बदलने की आवश्यकता हो सकती है। बच्चे के जन्म के बाद यह खून बह रहा है जिसे ‘लोचिया’ कहा जाता है। रक्तस्राव गर्भाशय के बिंदु से होता है जहां गर्भनाल संलग्न होता था। प्रसव के तीसरे चरण में गर्भाशय से गर्भनाल आता है।

Published in Hindi Blogs
Thursday, 02 August 2018 05:06

Post partum bleeding

Maternity sanitary pads are extra long and can withstand the heavy bleeding after delivery. Whether you have had a normal delivery or a C-section, the first few days after delivery expect to have a fair amount of bleeding.  You may need to change pads every 2 to 3 hours. This bleeding after the birth of the baby is called Lochia. Bleeding occurs from the point in the uterus where the placenta was attached. The placenta comes out of the uterus at the third stage of delivery. 

Published in English Blogs
Monday, 23 July 2018 08:38

Newborn Baby sleep

The time has come and your baby has arrived, your bundle of joy is in your hands now and as a mother, you can go through mixed feelings of joy, excitement and sometimes anxiety. Both Yourself and the baby may be exhausted from the events of labor and delivery.  This is quite normal. It’s a good idea to keep visitors away for the first day at least and concentrate completely on your baby’s needs. 

Published in English Baby Blogs

पहली बार अपने छोटे से नन्हे से शिशु को देखकर बहुत भावुक क्षण हो सकता है। तो, अब जब अपने बच्चे को इस दुनिया में लाये है, तो आप अगले कुछ दिनों में एक मां की नाते क्या उम्मीद कर सकते हैं। प्रसवोत्तर समय प्रसव के बाद शुरू होकर कुछ महीने तक का समय होता है। गर्भावस्था के दौरान आपके शरीर में भारी परिवर्तन हुए हैं।

Published in Hindi Blogs
Wednesday, 17 January 2018 09:22

Postpartum practices in India and around the world

You have delivered a baby, and I am sure you are overwhelmed looking at your bundle of joy, You may be tired and emotionally strained. but all is not over. Postpartum care or care after delivery is most important in regaining your strength back. Post delivery, the mother should spend her time mostly on taking care of herself and her baby, while she gets help from her mother, spouse friends to take care of everything else for her. This is the time for her to recuperate. Her body has gone through enormous changes during pregnancy, both physically and emotionally.

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