Displaying items by tag: food cravings

Some women ask me if it normal for a pregnant woman to crave for non-food substances like dirt, mud, chalk, charcoal, wood, toothpaste etc. This craving for non-food substances is called Pica. Pica is also seen in children. The reason for Pica is still not clear but experts believe it could be related to some deficiencies. One of them being Iron deficiency.

Published in English Blogs

गर्भवती महिलाओं को हमेशा स्वस्थ गर्भावस्था के लिए सही भोजन चुनने में कठिनाई होती है। कुछ गर्भावस्था हार्मोन के कारण भोजन के बारे में सोचने में बहुत मुश्किल है।  कही बार भोजन को देखते उलटी जैसी महसूस होती है। लेकिन, कई महिलाएं भोजन की लालसा करती हैं और कभी-कभी, कुछ खाद्य पदार्थों के लिए पसंद करते हैं जो गर्भावस्था से पहले उनकी इच्छा सूची पर कभी नहीं होती थी। गर्भवती महिला को विभिन्न प्रकार के भोजन का चयन करना पड़ता है जो गर्भावस्था के दौरान उसके लिए और बच्चे के लिए अच्छा है। खाद्य पदार्थ जिनमें फोलेट, लोहा और कैल्शियम होते हैं, उन्हें बड़ी मात्रा में लिया जाना चाहिए। 

Published in Hindi Blogs
Wednesday, 21 February 2018 09:36

Food cravings during pregnancy

Why do pregnant women have food cravings?

I remember the time when a friend of mine was pregnant and they lived in a remote area in the US. She had a craving for Masala Dosa one morning when she was in her 6th month. Indian restaurants were not very common and she made her husband drive 120 miles to an Indian restaurant. This is just one story, there are plenty of such stories i hear about pregnant women craving from sweet dishes, hot and spicy to sour items. Some women also have a craving for non-food items like chalk, mud, wood etc. This is called Pica.

Published in English Blogs
Tuesday, 09 January 2018 09:26

The Pregnancy - Week 10

You have seen what has happened in the last 9 weeks of pregnancy and also how the baby has been developing in the last 9 weeks. What happens in the 10th week?

I am sure you are very anxious to share the good news of your pregnancy with your friends and relatives. But it is better for you to wait for some more time.

Published in English Blogs
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